Luanti 5.11.0 released!

Written by GreenXenith



Luanti 5.11.0 is landing right on time following our 3-month release schedule! Many new menu features have arrived alongside font overrides, continued model improvements, rendering fixes, and more.

You can download Luanti from our website, check out the code on GitHub, or read the full changelog.

Table of Contents

Compatibility Changes

There are a few changes which may (or may not) affect you, so we’ll get them out of the way first:

In-Game Settings Menu

The settings menu can now be accessed from the in-game pause menu (very convenient!). Keep in mind that not every setting supports live changes, so you may still need to reconnect after making certain alterations.

The in-game settings menu
The in-game settings menu

Touchscreen Layout Editor

For those of you on smartphones or some other touchscreen device (smartwatch, anybody?), Luanti now includes a layout editor for your on-screen controls. Select Touchscreen Layout in the pause menu and organize the buttons to your heart’s content!

The touchscreen editor in action

More Server List Info

Have you ever wanted to check server info before you connect? Until now we had to use the online server list, but Luanti has introduced 4 new buttons allowing you to open the server’s website, view its mod list, see which players are online, and manage your favorites. You can also filter your searches by game, mod, or player (see search bar tooltip for specifics).

Server list info buttons
Server list info buttons

Default Font Overrides

Luanti’s fonts are starting to get boring after more than a decade, so mods can now override the defaults! Place TTF or WOFF fonts in your mod’s fonts directory for each style you want to override (check out the documentation for more details). This is just the first step towards better font control, so keep an eye out for future font features.

Everyone's favorite font family!
Everyone's favorite font family!

Other Highlights

Onwards and Upwards

Development continues with 5.12.0, now at! You can likely look forward to more visual effects, unique entity IDs, collision improvements, better pause menu settings, and more. Also keep an eye on, where we are unifying all Luanti knowledge in one place.

Questions? Ideas? Feel free to get involved!

Cover image by GreenXenith (Puerto de Sol by Chache on Your Land).